How to get our map on an iPhone (2024) (Scroll down for Android)

  1. Download free app Avenza Maps from the App store
  2. Click on Link to Map to open our Back 40 map, then click download to your phone. On an iPhone it will go into your photos library. Open Apple Photos (doesn’t seem to work in Google Photos) and hit the Share icon, then scroll down to Save to Files. Select your Downloads folder. You must put the map here for Avenza Maps to find it.
  3. Open Avenza Maps, hit the + button, select Import Maps / From Online Storage Locations / Favorites / Downloads and click on the map then hit Open
  4. Your location in real time will now show on the map on the phone screen as a blue do. Pinch to zoom in, etc. Have fun!

How to get our map on an Android (2024)

  1. Download free app Avenza Maps from the Play store
  2. Click on Link to Map then Download to Phone, on an Android it will probably download into your Files / Downloads.
  3. Open Avenza Maps, hit the + button, select Download or Import Maps / then under Import Your Own Maps select the Cloud Storage or Device option. Hopefully you can find it in your downloaded files. From there, select the map ’24 Back-40 Map Georef.
  4. Once the map is in Avenza, click on it and it will load, showing your location in real time will now show on the map on the phone screen as a blue do. Pinch to zoom in, etc. Have fun!

Link to Map